Tuesday 9 December 2008

Hers some more vector experiments....


This is my first go at taking my illustrations into vector.
I think i need to work on colour and shape more definately,
but its as start.
i did this so it would be quicker for me to apply my design
to other things such as screen printing and digital printing
say for posters or books.

Monday 1 December 2008


Heres a project that i did for the Smoothie Company opposite my college.
I drew fifty bags all hand drawn straight onto the bags.
This took me four hours to do and the result was great.

Wednesday 26 November 2008


This is a continuing peice of work trying to try new shapes with my face illustrations and see how far i can take them, whilst sticking to the same recognisable style.


This is the studio wall at a more finished stage.Im happy with the way it is looking and how the use of these faces work together in mass application.


This is the beginnings of decorating a wall in the studio.
Im using a simple style here in just black and white to see how my stlye works on a large scale.


My most recent peice for my girl to decorate her new flat.